Reviewed by ZackMeister
Good Morning, afternoon and good night, to whoever and wherever you are. ZackMeister here at your service. Today, I'll be sharing a Gundam that was given to me on my birthday by my fellow friends. The Gundam Age 1 Normal. I was thinking of getting 1 a long long time ago, but I'm glad they gave it to me : )...Thanks Guys!!!
This beauty was built in 2 days time, well actually it can be done in 1 but I decided to take some time off watching TV. I'll be sharing some W.I.P with you guys as I go along reviewing this bad boy. I didn't really put on all the decals and the panel lining was drawn by my bro while I was busy assembling it, and I'm happy with what came out.

This as you can see is the torso and the head, the body was kinda easy to assemble, but the vents are a little troublesome as it doesn't really stick in to the frame, other than that the whole thing is fine and solid, almost seamless, the chest piece is beautiful, you can choose to put on the silver stickers for the bright effect but i liked it original, so does the stickers for the head you can choose to give it the bright effect stickers or the regular stickers. And the head is a real beauty, and the mouth is is cut out so you don't have to draw it out, makes it look real. There's a free movement of the head, there's nothing there to block it's way around.

The hands are pretty easy to assemble and the design was beautiful, specially the cut out vents that are revolutionary in the Gunpla world, the palms are different from the regular finger palms that were used by old MG's it's more like a HG palm where the fingers are still and you have to put the weapon in and fit it to the palm but the thumb is movable, it might seem troublesome when you have to remove it's finger to change it's pose, but...the grip on the weapons was incredibly firm, unlike the old hands where the weapon always seem to be loosely put.
Don't let me start with the skirt, it is so cool, I've never seen something like it. the front skirts and the back skirts are 2 plating connected to each other not just by sticking two plates of plastic together like the old MG would, both area also separately connected to the hip frame and you can move the plates together but slightly giving you the disconnected effect or remove it's connector that connects the 2 plates and make them move separately, very realistic, yet another revolutionary idea from the designer team. Great Work Guys!!!

Next and obviously is the side skirts and legs, as you can see it's beam sabre is stored in the side skirts like the Strike Gundam except that it doesn't have a cover to cover up the sabre. The sabre is kinda thick and shaped square it looks good actually, and like I said, it sticks firmly in Age's palm. Age's legs are also easy to assemble, nicely detailed and well articulated. And the black parts are thick plastic stickers, some people doesn't like it, but I thought it was beautiful, the quality of the stickers are good and not sticker-ish looking. And the joints in the thigh and hip are not ball joint it's a well articulated joint connected to the poles in the hip, it's firmly connected and unlike old MG's where is find them to have a very loose feeling legs and wiggle around when you hold them up.

Here's some group and family photos between 2 Ages and between 2 Ages. Haha...I meant between 2 different age, the ancient Rx-78-2 and the modern Age 1 Normal, and between HG Age 1 Normal and MG Age 1 Normal. One more thing, the weapons are a little less just a beam riffle, 2x beam sabre, 2x beam dagger and an Age Shield. But, they are all seriously well built, especially the rifle it's solid and great looking, unlike old rifles that feels kinda flimsy and sometimes it doesn't stick well together, you'll end up needing the help of glue.
All in all this MG kit is worth every penny they've given. Revolutionary design from the outside to the inside, it really takes the modern MG kit to a different level and most importantly at a very affordable price, and we V-Fins Workshop are selling this baby at around RM140, really one of the more affordable kit available.
The MG Age 1 Normal is well articulated, well designed from appearance to it's inner clockwork, simply revolutionary. It's amazingly easy to assemble and produces a great result, you don't have to be a professional to make this kit great or at least good looking. Importantly the whole thing is well built almost seamless everywhere and the joints are firmly in place and it also grips the weapons firmly in place so it won't look loose. I really love the weapons, this time around they really make an effort into designing the weapons, especially the Beam Rifle, I love the Beam Rifle very much, it's really solid and holds together perfectly unlike old weapons. I'de give a 10/10. But, if I really must say something bad, well the hands aren't like the old hand designs this time it looks a little rigid (but great at gripping it's weapons), and they give less weapons. That's about it, but the fault I mention isn't really a fault but well, that's what I think.
Well here's some more pictures of Age 1 Normal. Bye!!! And remember to comment below and if there is anything feel free to let us know at our facebook, LIKE us, seriously LIKE us!!!
Do you think that the whole Age series Gundam's design is more all less reminiscent to all the old Gundams design?